Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Purpose of this study is...

The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which anti-prejudice messages appear on television and through a closer look at a particular genre, determine the rhetorical strategies used to promote an anti-prejudice message.


Q: Is the purpose of this study to describe, predict or critique some form of communication?
A: Describe and critique(?)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Theoretic Agenda of Entertainment-Education

In their 2002 article on E-E, Singhal and Rogers propose that future theoretical investigations into E-E should address 5 items. Two of the 5 areas on the E-E "theoretic agenda" are:
  • "Agenda #1: Theoretical investigations of entertainment-education should pay greater attention to the tremendous variability among E-E interventions."
  • "Agenda #3: E-E theorizing will benefit from close investigation of the rhetorical, play, and affective aspects of E-E."
(Singhal & Rogers, 2002 , p. 120).

Of the 5 items called for, these 2 are what, in part, drive the research shared in this blog. When looking at the "tremendous variability" of E-E, we should consider looking at the fact that E-E is not new. Playwrights and script writers have long attempted to educate their audience while entertaining them. To aid us in designing the more formal type of E-E programs, what can we learn from specifically from TV and film script writers? How do they attempt to persuade the audience? And this brings us to agenda item #3. Can TV programs and films be analyzed as rhetorical artifacts/texts that attempt to persuade (educate) an audience about particular social issues? Well, yes! That's what this line of research is about.

Entertainment-Education and Race Relations

"In the future, we believe entertainment-education will also go beyond the boundaries of its mainstay messages -- reproductive health, family planning, and HIV prevention -- to include other pressing social issues such as peace, conflict mediation, race relations, and reconstruction."
(Singhal & Rogers, 2002 , p. 133).

The research shared in this blog is attempt to "go beyond" and address the race relations in the context of E-E.

Rogers, Vaughan, Swalehe, Rao, Svenkerud & Sood, 1999

Rogers, E. M., Vaughan, P. W., Swalehe, R. M., Rao, N., Svenkerud, P., and Sood, S. (1999). Effects of an entertainment-education radio soap opera on family planning behavior in Tanzania. Studies in family planning, 30(3):193-211.

See abstract

Singhal & Rogers, 2002

Singhal, A. and Rogers, E. M. (2002). A theoretical agenda for entertainment-education. Communication Theory, 12(2):117-135.

Singhal, Cody, Rogers & Sabido, 2003

Singhal, A., Cody, M.J. Rogers, E., Sabido, M. (Editors). Entertainment-Education and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Definitions of Popular

"1: of or relating to the general public2: suitable to the majority: as a: adapted to or indicative of the understanding and taste of the majority b: suited to the means of the majority : inexpensive 3: frequently encountered or widely accepted 4: commonly liked or approved"(

popular. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved December 30, 2008, from

Brummett, 1994

Brummett, B (1994). Rhetoric in Popular Culture. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Definition of Popular Culture

"Popular culture refers to those systems or artifacts that most people share and that most people know about. For those who identify with playing for a symphony orchestra, there is an interrelated ... But television is an immensely rich world of popular culture, as nearly everyone watches television and , even if not everyone sees the same shows, they are likely to know in general about the shows that they do not see. In speaking of popular culture, then, we are concerned with things, like television, that are part of the everyday experience of most people."
(Brummett, 1994, p.21).

TV shows = artifacts/texts

This study looks at rhetorical messages in TV shows that promote anti-prejudice practices.
Because this study looks at the rhetorical messages in popular culture (TV specifically), then I refer to the type of entertainment education research that I'm doing as popular entertainment education.

How to Work Idea/Theme into Play

Hatcher sees 2 ways of putting an idea/theme into in play:
1. Overtly in dialogue or monologue. Hatcher calls this the "direct, rhetorical approach"
2. In Actions/Plot. "Character + Conflict x Action = Idea approach"
(Hatcher, 1996, p.42).
Hatcher does not recommend overtly. There are times for this, but better to put idea in the actions of the characters. Hatcher argues "an audience will always listen more carefully and become more personally involved with an idea when it is presented dramatically. It is one thing to hear a psychiatrist in a play say 'Sometimes it's better to leave a person with her delusions than it is to cure her.' It is another to see her
  • Try to Cure her patient
  • Fight the delusion
  • Cure the patient
  • Witness the light go out of the patient's eyes
  • and Reverse the painful results of 'sanity'
It's the show-don't tell principle. Remember: An audience is a detective. They look for evidence, and they believe what they can see. What they see are the actions."
(Hatcher, 1996, p.43). Author's emphasis

The Best Plays...

"The best plays come from ideas that are
  • personal/societal/spiritual concerns of the playwright
  • personal/societal/spiritual concerns of the audience
  • best shown through dramatic action"
(Hatcher, 1996, p.42). Emphasis added

Which Comes First?

Which comes first story or idea/theme?
Hatcher says it doesn't matter. You may start with an interesting story and eventually work out the theme. Or you may "intellectualize the idea, then articulate that idea in dramatic actions" (Hatcher, 1996, p.41). author's emphasis
"Maybe some great playwrights start with the great thematic idea, but the truth is that good dramatists have a nose for an exciting story that has the potential for exciting ideas" (Hatcher, 1996, p.41).

Moving an Audience

"As playwrights, we want to move our audience, to change or deepen their thoughts and feelings, to give them something to remember" (Hatcher, 1996, p.40).

Hatcher mentions Anna Deavere Smith's play called Fires in the Mirror. (Here "racism" is the"idea" or theme.) Hatcher uses "idea" interchangeably with theme.

Aristotle's 6 Elements of Drama Theory (from Poetics)

"action or plot
thought or ideas
language, diction or verbal expression
music or song
spectacle, image or visual adornment"
(Hatcher, 1996, p.21)

Note: see thought/idea

Hatcher, 1996

Hatcher, J (1996). The Art & Craft of Playwriting. Cincinnati, OH: Story Press.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bilandzic, Sukalla , Herrmann and Kinnebrock, 2008

Bilandzic, H. , Sukalla, F. , Herrmann, F. and Kinnebrock, S. , 2008-05-21 "What’s the Point of this Film? What’s the Point of this Genre? Analyzing Moral Messages of Genre Films" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, TBA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Online . 2008-12-10 from

"Abstract: Embedded in the surface story, moral messages in films convey important values and norms, and show which actions lead to success in life, and which do not. Very different stories may contain the same moral lesson. Regular viewers of narrative fiction are repeatedly exposed to both genre-specific and universal patterns of moral lessons. In the same way as violence or gender stereotypes cultivate an audience into adapting their world views to the television world, moral patterns may cultivate viewers in their moral thinking and acting. But how can moral messages in films be detected when they are most often implicit and hidden in the surface story? This paper presents an instrument for analyzing moral messages in films, which combines structuralist plot analysis from Narratology and heuristic categories from Grounded Theory. The instrument and its methodological foundations are described, and a detailed example is given to exemplify the application."

the above is from:

Possible title

Anti-prejudice rhetoric in popular entertainment-education

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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I have now started a...

I have now started a new research project. listen

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taru Comes To Abirpur

2008 Rogers Award for Achievement in Entertainment-Education

Albert Bandura: 2007 Everett Rogers Colloquium

Singhal & Rogers, 1999

Singhal, A. & Rogers, E. M. (1999). Entertainment-Education: A Communication Strategy for Social Change. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ.


Entertainment Education: Definitions

Entertainment Education is "the process of purposely designing and implementing a media message both to entertain and educate" (Singhal & Rogers, 1999, p. 9).

Entertainment education is "the intentional placement of educational content in entertainment messages" (Singhal & Rogers, 2002, p. 117).

"Entertainment-education (E-E) is the process of purposely designing and implementing a media message to both entertain and educate, in order to increase audience members’ knowledge about an educational issue, create favorable attitudes, shift social norms, and change overt behavior (Singhal & Rogers, 1999; Singhal & Rogers, 2002)" (Singhal, Cody, Rogers & Sabido, 2003, p. 5).