Title: "Hummmmm"
Photographer: William Hart, Ph.D.
Description: "via Instagram bit.ly/1ADXTUO"
Taken: July 31, 2014 at 10:47AM
(C) William Hart
This is a blog about my teaching, research and service with some occasional personal comments thrown in.
These are my notes on a variety of topics. If you want to follow my blog posts on a specific topic, then see the Table of Contents in the right-hand column. While I try to work in the realm of facts, logic and moral absolutes, if there are any opinions expressed here, they are my own. -WilliamHartPhD
Time played: 1 hr
7 hours total
Time played: 2 hrs
131 hours total
Time played: 23 mins
66 hours total
Time played: 2 hrs
66 hours total
Time played: 1 hr
285 hours total
Time played: 1 hr
6 hours total
Time played: 28 mins
63 hours total
Time played: 32 mins
5 hours total
The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning. But I digress. You found the letter!
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Time played: 1 hr
6 hours total
Time played: 31 mins
5 hours total
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