Monday, February 23, 2015

GlobalMedia: Intercultural Com: Effective Intercultural Com: Discrimination, Prejudice and Racism (W7-P3) Sp15

And now, some more important bricks in the wall, things that stop us from getting to effective intercultural communication.

How do you tear down this brick?
What is the difference between discrimination, prejudice, racism?  See the next few bricks.

You probably think of some TV characters who are prejudiced.  Hank Hill, Archie Bunker, etc.  What examples can you think of?
How do you tear down this brick?

Note that there are two definitions of racism given here.

Notice any connection between racism and prejudice as previously defined?

Also, what are the differences among racism, prejudice and discrimination?  They are related terms, but they are not the same thing.

How do you tear down this brick?

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